Growing Japanese Grass: A Guide To Planting And Maintaining A Healthy Lawn

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Growing Japanese Grass: A Guide to Planting and Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

What is Japanese Grass?

Japanese grass, also known as Zoysia japonica, is a type of grass native to Asia. It is a low-growing species that is drought and wear resistant, making it an ideal choice for lawns and gardens. Japanese grass has a deep root system, which helps it hold up to heavy foot traffic. It also has an attractive, fine texture that makes it an attractive choice for many yards.

Choosing the Right Location

When planting Japanese grass, it is important to choose the right location. This grass prefers an area with full sun and well-drained soil. Avoid planting it in shaded areas or in areas that are prone to flooding. It can also be planted in areas with poor soil, but you must be sure to prepare the soil and add fertilizer for the best results.

Preparing the Soil

Before planting Japanese grass, you must prepare the soil by removing any rocks, weeds, or other debris. It is also important to loosen the soil and add a layer of compost or fertilizer. This will help ensure that the grass has the nutrients it needs to thrive. Once the soil is ready, you can start planting.

Planting and Caring for Japanese Grass

When planting Japanese grass, it is important to plant the grass in small clumps or strips. If planting from seeds, make sure that the seeds are planted no more than ¼ inch below the soil’s surface. If planting from sod, ensure that the sod is laid properly and that it is watered regularly after planting. Once established, Japanese grass needs minimal care and maintenance. It should be mowed every two to three weeks and fertilized once a year.


Planting Japanese grass is a great way to add a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn to your home. By following the steps above, you can successfully plant and maintain a healthy and attractive Japanese grass lawn. With proper care and maintenance, your lawn will look great for many years to come.
